MarkHenkelPolygamy on Youtube

In 2010, Mark Henkel initiated a program of video-recorded speeches presented before non-polygamous audiences. In the Fall of of 2011, a new youtube channel was created, MarkHenkelPolygamy.

To kick off that new youtube channel, the videos of the first 10 polygamy speeches were posted once a week for 10 weeks (“Season One” of polygamy speeches).  In the late Winter of 2012, a second set of 10 polygamy speeches was posted (“Season Two” of polygamy speeches).  These speeches were all designed as share-able persuasion tools for activists to use when discussing the Cause with others.  Since then, many other videos have been posted too – from Mark Henkel giving testimony at a Public Hearing (to legalize same sex marriage) to a free trailer of snippets from the historic keynote speech at Yale.

Be sure to check out and subscribe to the new youtube channel,


Pro-Polygamy Articles ™ Archive

Ever since the early 2000s,  the official Pro-Polygamy Articles ™ Archive has been keeping an ongoing record of important news events for the UCAP (unrelated consenting adult polygamy) movement.  The archive has been a service provided by the media-distribution site,

When you’re doing research on the movement and its recent history, be sure to check out the official…

 Pro-Polygamy Articles Archive